Friday, October 20, 2023

Download all IFRS and IAS accounting standards and IFRS illustrative examples in PDF from IAS 1 to IFRS 17


Hello, welcome to IFRS IS EASY!

Many accountants only read texts on IFRS from other sources but never consult the actual IFRS. When you have doubt about how an accounting transaction should be addressed, especially where the accounting treatment seems debatable, the first source to consult should be the standards themselves and not just texts written about the standard.

This blog post compiles for you all the issued accounting standards under IFRS that are in use, together with the links to the accompanying IFRS illustrative examples provided by the IASB. Here are some fun facts about the standards.

Fun fact:

The first international accounting standard was issued in 1973.

The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) is headquartered in London, England.

IFRS and IAS are used in over 140 countries around the world.

The IASB has a staff of approximately 150 people.

The IASB's website receives over 1 million visitors per year. 

Whether you're new to IFRS or looking to build on your current level of expertise, having these resources handy are valuable and essential for your professional growth.

Before you click on the links below, please note that the links are to download the actual PDF of all the available IFRS accounting standards as seen on the IFRS Foundation's website, and as such, you will need to register your email address and log in on the IFRS Foundation's website at before you can come back to access the below links to the PDF directly. It should take within a minute.

Done? You can now click the below links to download.


Source: IASB


Standard: Download IFRS 17 Insurance contracts Pdf


Standard: Download IFRS 16 Leases Pdf

Standard: Download IFRS 12 Disclosure of interests in other entities Pdf

Illustrative examples: IFRS 12 has no illustrative examples


Standard: Download IFRS 11 Joint arrangements Pdf


Standard: Download IFRS 10 Consolidated financial statements Pdf


Standard: Download IFRS 9 financial instruments Pdf


Standard: Download IFRS 8 Operating segments Pdf


Illustrative examples: IFRS 7 has no illustrative examples


Standard: Download IFRS 6 Exploration for and evaluation of mineral resources Pdf

Illustrative examples: IFRS 6 has no illustrative examples


Standard: Download IFRS 5 Non current assets held for sale Pdf

Illustrative examples: IFRS 5 has no illustrative examples


Standard: Download IFRS 3 Business combinations Pdf


Standard: Download IFRS 2 Share-based payments Pdf

Illustrative examples: IFRS 2 has no illustrative examples


Standard: Download IFRS 1 First time adoption of International financial reporting standards Pdf

Illustrative examples: IFRS 1 has no illustrative examples


Standard: Download IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements Pdf

Illustrative examples: IAS 1 has no illustrative examples


Standard: Download IAS 2 Inventories Pdf

Illustrative examples: IAS 2 has no illustrative examples


Standard: Download IAS 7 Statement of cashflows Pdf


Standard: Download IAS 8 Accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and errors Pdf

Illustrative examples: IAS 8 has no illustrative examples

IAS 10

Standard: Download IAS 10 Events after the reporting period Pdf

Illustrative examples: IAS 10 has no illustrative examples

IAS 12

Standard: Download IAS 12 Income taxes Pdf

Illustrative examples: Link to Illustrative examples on IAS 12 Income taxes

IAS 16

Standard: Download IAS 16 Property, plant and equipment Pdf

Illustrative examples: IAS 16 has no illustrative examples

IAS 19

Standard: Download IAS 19 Employee benefits Pdf

Illustrative examples: IAS 19 has no illustrative examples

IAS 20

Standard: Download IAS 20 Accounting for government grants and disclosure of government assistance Pdf

Illustrative examples: IAS 20 has no illustrative examples

IAS 21

Standard: Download IAS 21 Effects of changes in foreign exchange rates Pdf

Illustrative examples: IAS 21 has no illustrative examples

IAS 23

Standard: Download IAS 23 Borrowing costs Pdf

Illustrative examples: IAS 23 has no illustrative examples

IAS 24

Standard: Download IAS 24 Related party disclosures Pdf

Illustrative examples: Link to Illustrative examples on IAS 24 Related party disclosures

IAS 27

Standard: Download IAS 27 Separate financial statements Pdf

Illustrative examples: IAS 27 has no illustrative examples

IAS 28

Standard: Download IAS 28 Investment in associates and joint ventures Pdf

Illustrative examples: IAS 28 has no illustrative examples

IAS 29

Standard: Download IAS 29 Financial reporting in hyperinflationary economies Pdf

Illustrative examples: IAS 29 has no illustrative examples

IAS 32

Standard: Download IAS 32 Financial instruments presentation Pdf

Illustrative examples: Link to Illustrative examples on IAS 32 Financial instruments presentation

IAS 33

Standard: Download IAS 33 Earnings per share Pdf

Illustrative examples: Link to Illustrative examples on IAS 33 Earnings per share

IAS 34

Standard: Download IAS 34 Interim financial reporting Pdf

Illustrative examples: Link to Illustrative examples on IAS 34 Interim financial reporting

IAS 36

Standard: Download IAS 36 Impairment of assets Pdf

Illustrative examples: Link to Illustrative examples on IAS 36 Impairment of assets

IAS 37

Standard: Download IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets Pdf

Illustrative examples: Link to Illustrative examples on IAS 37 Provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent asset

IAS 38

Standard: Download IAS 38 Intangible assets Pdf

Illustrative examples: Link to Illustrative examples on IAS 38 Intangible assets

IAS 39

Still in use for Insurance companies that deferred transition to IFRS 9 until 2023.

Standard: Download IAS 39 Financial instruments: Recognition and measurement Pdf

Illustrative examples: Link to Illustrative examples on IAS 39 Financial instruments: Recognition and measurement

IAS 40

Standard: Download IAS 40 Investment property Pdf

Illustrative examples: IAS 40 has no illustrative examples

IAS 41

Standard: Download IAS 41 Agriculture Pdf

Illustrative examples: Link to Illustrative examples on IAS 41 Agriculture

PS: All resources above are sourced directly from the public domain of the IASB as made publicly available by them and are compiled here by IFRS IS EASY for your convenience.

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  Hello, welcome to  IFRS IS EASY ! I remember when I was interviewing for a role in Canada. I had heard that even though IFRS is the main a...